Dr. Nikolajs Belikoff-Strads, ND, MS

Integrative Environmental Wellness

Serving humans with loving guidance towards health and wellbeing

Passion for inspecting root causes through the lens of environment


Principles of Naturopathic Medicine

The Healing Power of Nature (Vis Medicatrix Naturae)

Identify and Treat the Causes (Tolle Causam)

First Do No Harm (Primum Non Nocere)

Treat the Whole Person (Tolle Totum)

Doctor as Teacher (Docere)

Prevention (Praevenic)



Acute Health
New symptoms, infection, cold, flu, injury, pain

Environmental Health
Exploration of environments, exposures, body burdens, specialty lab testing, lifestyle modifications, treatment, prevention

Homeopathic Intake
Classical homeopathy, homeoprophylaxis, biotherapeutic drainage

Chronic Health
Fatigue, insomnia, anxiety, diabetes, high blood pressure, thyroid condition, mental fogginess, wonky digestion, weight management

Spiritual Counseling
Sufism, literature, mystical practices, intuition

Sound Therapeutics (coming soon)
Tuning forks, singing bowls, musical mantras

Dr. Nikolajs accepts Care Oregon, Providence, Aetna, HealthNet insurance plans


Schedule a free 15 minute consultation

About Environmental Health


The air we breathe in,

The nourishment we consume,

The water we hydrate and bathe with,

The activities we participate in,

The clothing touching our skin,

The bedding we sleep on,

The stress we endure,

The nature we see,

The home we live in,

The humans we spend time with.

These are pillars of our environment.

About Dr. Nikolajs


Dr. Nikolajs is a licensed naturopathic physician and founder of Integrative Environmental Wellness. He achieved a bachelors of science in Dietetics from San Francisco State University followed by a masters of science in Integrative Medicine Research and doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine from National University of Natural Medicine. He offers an integrative approach to environmental health by weaving root cause investigation, laboratory testing, lifestyle modification, clinical nutrition, plant medicine, spirituality and human connection to help patients prevent illness and achieve optimal vitality and wellbeing. 

His focus is in addressing environmental exposures such as mold, heavy metals, plastics, pesticides and other seen and unseen toxicants. He also has interest in working with sleep optimization, cognitive issues, mental health, nutrient depletion, digestive complaints, inflammatory conditions, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, thyroid and adrenal dysfunction, hormone imbalance, weight management, chronic stress and fatigue, headaches, detoxification, medical genetics.

To get in touch with Dr. Nikolajs, email doctor@envitalize.life

“I welcome humans of all backgrounds. I prioritize being present with you, listening beyond words and meditating between clients when possible. I examine the whole human being and not just surface symptoms. Let us join forces to celebrate the uniqueness of your terrain and nourish your roots of vitality.”

— Dr. Nikolajs